Shift Left for Success

Shift Left for Success is our flagship 121-coaching programme for women in IT and Tech who want to have a greater Leadership impact and make real progress in their careers.

You deserve greater recognition and respect. For you, it’s about more than just climbing the corporate ladder. It’s about having more influence so that you can make a difference. It’s about having an impact and creating change. It’s about progress AND purpose.

And you want to do it differently. No more burn-out. No more overwhelm. No more second-guessing yourself.  No more over-giving. You want to move ahead as YOU with authenticity, integrity and grace - and help to create a culture that will encourage others to do so too.

Over the course of our time together, I will help you:

  • To become your own greatest advocate so that you can pursue the progress you deserve;

  • To stand in your power and deliver the leadership impact that is your purpose;

  • To ask for what you need and to command the respect and recognition that you deserve;

  • To communicate clearly with others both professionally and personally in a way that inspires clarity and confidence;

  • To avoid overwhelm by setting and maintaining boundaries and saying ‘No’ with ease and grace;

  • To find the fun, laughter and joy that over-giving and over-working has stolen from your life – without sacrificing your success or standing as a professional;

  • To connect with your true passion and purpose and to create a life that is aligned with these driving forces;

  • To let go of Superwoman and own your standing as an expert and a leader.

The Shift Left for Success coaching packages include:

  • Weekly or fortnightly 121 coaching sessions: each session is designed to provide you with new insights and realisations as well as practical tools and techniques that you can use to shift left in your career and personal life.

  • A profile assessment: an online profiling assessment and report that will help you to understand your personal strengths and challenges through the lens of the Women’s Powertypes™. The Powertypes™ – based on the traditional psychological concept of archetypes – are a powerful concept that thousands of women worldwide have used to gain clarity, understanding and insight.

    Options (all prices are inclusive of VAT)

  • 4 Sessions - £1020*

  • 8 Sessions - £1980*

  • 12 Sessions - £2880*

    An additional free Bonus Session is available when paying in full.

    Payment Plans and card payments are available.

    If you want to Shift Left for Success, why not book a free, no-obligation call? Just click below. Or you can email me via

121 Coaching

Duration: Various

Investment: from £1020*

*inclusive of VAT.

If the Shift Left for Success programme isn’t quite what you are looking for, just give us a call as we can discuss a bespoke version that would better meet your needs.

* Important Notice

We are excited to announce that Shift Left Ltd has recently become VAT registered. This change reflects our growth and commitment to providing the highest level of service to our clients. As part of this transition our prices will be adjusted to include VAT effective from July 12th 2024. These price changes are necessary to comply with tax regulations and to continue to deliver exceptional value.

What this means for you

  • Current prices: All services booked and paid for before July 12th will be charged at our current rates, so we encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity.

  • New Prices: From July 12th, all invoices will include VAT, which will be reflected in our new pricing structure.

We are committed to transparency and excellence and believe these changes will enable us to serve you better. We appreciate your understanding and continued support.

I did Susan's 12-week programme and I can honestly say it's been a game changer for me. Susan's approach is really empowering for women and gets under the skin of some of those deep-rooted limiting beliefs that were certainly holding me back. With Susan's help, I've identified what enough looks like for me and devised a vision and plan for how to get it, supported by some of the techniques and tools Susan has equipped me with. Highly recommended
